Making healthcare more Accessible, Actionable
and Always On!

Transforming care delivery through care programs. Reaching out to patients where they are and helping them with better health using conversations in local languages.

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Why choose us?

As a vernacular solution, we help care providers reach patients at the grass roots, navigate disease management in a scalable cost effective manner. We use technology to reach patients where they are and fill in gaps beyond the hospital walls and elevate patient experience, while reducing the caregivers and the care providers burden. As an easy to use interface, we use Conversational AI to talk to patients in a two way human-like conversations, answering questions, guiding them and helping them stay healthy. There are no app downloads, no installation, all you need is "A Quick QR code Scan" and you are good to start using Aica Health. If you are a care provider, we can simply plug and play with your API's and help you reach your patients at a fraction of a cost.

Aica Health Digital Angels

A trusted emphatic companion helps you and your loved ones feel supported and encouraged to start and maintain treatment. The process is not a one time but it is maintaining that connection via the digital connection that helps improve health.

Pharmacy & Care Provider Connects

Help with refills, easy caregiver connects when required.

Family & Friends Loop

Stay up to date on your loved ones medical condition.

Contact Us

Are you looking for a scalable cost effective solution to help you manage your patients with better health, reach out us at